Page - Graph

The component for drawing charts from the model is a separate component delegated by the class \App\Admin\Delegates\ChartJs. This component provides functionality to generate charts based on data from the model.

Make simple chart

use App\Admin\Delegates\ChartJs;

return $page->card(
	$card->title('Registrations per month'),
		$chartJs->setDefaultDataBetween('created_at', [now()->subMonth(), now()]),

Use custom chart data

To generate a chart using Chart.js and custom chart data, you can utilize the ChartJs component and provide your own data. Here's an example of how you can do it:

return $page->card(
	$card->title('Registrations per month'),
		$chartJs->customChart('Title', [20], [255, 255, 255]),


return $page->card(
	$card->title('Registrations per month'),
		$chartJs->customChart('Title', [[20, 30], [40, 50]], [[255, 255, 255], [211, 211, 211]]),

Load data after load page (Lazy loading)

To implement lazy loading of chart data after the page loads, you can use the load method provided by the ChartJsComponent class. Here's how you can do it:

return $page->card(
	$card->title('Registrations per month'),
		$chartJs->load(function (Admin\Components\ChartJsComponent $component) {
			// Some logic for data getting...
			$component->customChart('Title', [[20, 30], [40, 50]], [[255, 255, 255], [211, 211, 211]]);

This code snippet creates a card with the title 'Registrations per month' and a chart component. The chart component uses lazy loading, meaning that the chart data will be fetched and rendered after the page has loaded. Inside the load method, you can define the logic to fetch the chart data, such as querying a database. Once the data is fetched, the customChart method is used to customize and render the chart.