
By default, the full CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) of a model is described by a Laravel resource controller. To get started, after installing it locally, run the command to generate a new controller:

php artisan lte:controller UserController --model=User

This command will create a new controller in the app/Admin/Controllers directory named UserController.php. Consider a standard, generated resource:


namespace App\Admin\Controllers;

use App\Admin\Delegates\Card;
use App\Admin\Delegates\Form;
use App\Admin\Delegates\ModelInfoTable;
use App\Admin\Delegates\ModelTable;
use App\Admin\Delegates\SearchForm;
use App\Models\User;
use Admin\Page;

 * UserController Class
 * @package App\Admin\Controllers
class UserController extends Controller
    static $model = User::class;

    public function index(
        Page $page, 
        Card $card, 
        SearchForm $searchForm, 
        ModelTable $modelTable
    ): Page {
        // ...

    public function matrix(
        Page $page, 
        Card $card, 
        Form $form
    ): Page {
        // ...

    public function show(
        Page $page, 
        Card $card, 
        ModelInfoTable $modelInfoTable
    ): Page {
        // ...

The controller will belong to the model specified in the $model property. Or return the model from the getModel method. By default, you need to describe the logic for displaying 3 endpoints, they are described by the following methods: index, matrix, and show. The remaining endpoints are served by the extension automatically.

You can generate a simple controller that does not belong to the model and describe absolutely custom logic in it.

The parent controller has an explanation method for declaring global declarations, by default declarations are declared for the first card that will be included on the page, the defaultTools setting is enabled for it. If the controller has a defaultTools method, it will be used to check if the tools are displayed. For example, you can disable deletion for a model with id = 1:

public function defaultTools($type)
    return !($type === 'delete' && $this->model()->id == 1);