
Installation Guide

Integrate the Bfg Admin package into your Laravel application by following the straightforward instructions outlined below. This process involves using Composer, the PHP package manager, to install the package and then configuring your application to utilize it.


Ensure you have Laravel installed in your project before proceeding with the Bfg Admin installation. For Laravel installation instructions, refer to the official Laravel documentation.

Step 1: Install Bfg Admin via Composer

To install the Bfg Admin package, use Composer by executing the following command in your terminal within your project directory:

composer require bfg/admin:^6

This command downloads and installs the Bfg Admin package as a dependency for your project.

Step 2: Configure Environment Variables

After installing the package, it is essential to configure specific environment variables in your project's .env file to ensure the admin panel functions correctly. This step is crucial for setting up the connection between your application and its database, as the admin panel relies on database interactions for its operations.

Step 3: Install Bfg Admin

With the Bfg Admin package installed and the environment variables set up, you can now install the admin panel extension in your Laravel application by running:

php artisan admin:install

This command deploys all required migrations and admin files to your Laravel application folder, setting up the admin panel for your project.

By following these steps, you will successfully integrate the Bfg Admin panel into your Laravel project, allowing you to utilize its comprehensive features for efficient application administration and management.

First start

Upon completing the installation process, the admin panel becomes accessible through your web browser. To begin exploring its features and functionalities, follow the steps outlined below to access the admin panel.

Accessing the Admin Panel

  1. Navigate to the Admin Panel: Open your web browser and enter the URL where your Laravel application is hosted, appended with /bfg. The complete URL to access the admin panel will look like this:

Replace <your-domain> with your actual domain name or IP address where your Laravel application is running.

  1. Log in to the Admin Panel: Upon reaching the admin panel login page, use the default credentials to log in:
  • Username: admin
  • Password: admin

These credentials grant you initial access to the admin panel, where you can start configuring and managing your application's content and settings.

Important Next Steps

After successfully logging into the admin panel for the first time, it's highly recommended to:

  • Change the Default Credentials: For security reasons, immediately update the default login credentials to something more secure. You can usually do this within the admin panel's user settings or profile section.

  • Explore the Admin Panel: Familiarize yourself with the various sections and features of the admin panel. This includes user management, content management, settings, and any custom functionalities specific to your application.

  • Configure Settings: Adjust the admin panel settings according to your application's requirements. This may involve setting up roles and permissions, configuring email settings, or customizing the appearance of the admin panel.

By following these steps, you ensure a secure and customized initial setup of your admin panel, paving the way for efficient management of your Laravel application.

Default users

Following the successful installation of the admin panel, the application is pre-configured with a set of default user accounts. These accounts are designed to help you quickly test and navigate through the admin panel's functionalities without the need to create new users immediately. It's important to note that the root user account is integral to the system and cannot be deleted, ensuring that there is always an account with full access to the admin panel.

Pre-configured User Accounts

The application includes the following default user accounts, each with its predefined role and access level:

  • Root User

    • Username: root
    • Password: root
    • The root user has the highest level of access and permissions within the admin panel. This account is designed for system-level management tasks and cannot be deleted.
  • Admin User

    • Username: admin
    • Password: admin
    • The admin user has comprehensive access to most administrative functions but may have certain restrictions compared to the root user. This account is suitable for general administration tasks.
  • Moderator User

    • Username: moderator
    • Password: moderator
    • The moderator user has limited access, typically confined to specific sections or functionalities within the admin panel. This account is ideal for users who manage content or perform moderation duties without requiring full administrative access.

Recommended Actions

Upon your first login with any of these default user accounts, consider taking the following actions to secure your admin panel:

  • Change Default Passwords: For security purposes, it's crucial to change the default passwords of these user accounts immediately after your first login. Ensure to use strong, unique passwords for each account.

  • Review User Permissions: Assess and adjust the permissions and access levels of each default user account to align with your application's security policies and operational requirements.

  • Create Custom User Accounts: As you familiarize yourself with the admin panel, start creating custom user accounts with specific roles and permissions tailored to the needs of your team and application.

By promptly updating the default user accounts and configuring custom access levels, you enhance the security and efficiency of your admin panel, laying a solid foundation for managing your application.



Bfg admin - administration list

Administration edit

Bfg admin - Administration edit


Bfg admin - Roles


Bfg admin - Dashboard

User panel, activity per day

Bfg admin - User panel, activity per day