
Extending the user model

To create the Admin model using artisan and inherit from the AdminUser model, you can run the following command:

php artisan make:model Admin

After creating the Admin model, you can extend it from the AdminUser model as shown in the provided code snippet:


namespace App\Models;

use Admin\Models\AdminUser;

class Admin extends AdminUser
    // Add your customizations or additional logic here


To avoid running internal installation every time after refreshing the database or moving to a server, you can add the standard data seeding to your seeding file DatabaseSeeder.php. Here's an example of how you can do this:


namespace Database\Seeders;

use Illuminate\Database\Seeder;
use Admin\Models\AdminSeeder;

class DatabaseSeeder extends Seeder
     * Seed the application's database.
     * @return void
    public function run()
        // Seed default users

        // Seed admin data

        // Add more seeders if needed

In this code snippet:

  • \App\Models\User::factory(10)->create(); seeds some default users using Laravel's factory.
  • $this->call(AdminSeeder::class); calls the AdminSeeder to seed admin-related data. Make sure the AdminSeeder exists and contains the necessary logic to seed admin data.
  • You can add more call methods for additional seeders as needed.

Ensure that the AdminSeeder class is properly implemented and contains the necessary logic to seed admin-related data.