Topic filling

When you go to the project, you will see a list of possible topics that are available to you.

Each topic has a control panel next to it.

By default, you have access to search, a counter for the number of topics, collapse/expand the list of posts, collapse/expand the detailed information of topics and a button for adding a topic entry. Click on the "+" and add a new topic entry.

You will have a modal window in which you can specify the name of the model (it is possible with a small letter, the case will be changed automatically), you can also specify several models, separated by a , comma.

After adding, all possible additional topic settings will be available.

Opposite each option there is an add button, click on the + to add new options to the topic.

Enter the required fields that the option requires.

You can also enter comma-separated option names for multiple additions.

You will also have options setting buttons available which will open a modal window for editing the setting.

For icons, you can drag topics and thus change their sequence.

By dragging options to neighboring topics, the option will be copied to the neighboring topic.

In the options menu, you will have three options available, clone with deep editing, instant copy and delete recording.