New project

When you are logged in, a kanban with projects is available to you.

You can moderate your kanban columns. You can add or remove by clicking on the Add new status button. Click on the + in your status header to add a project. After that, a modal window will open with the addition of the project.

Fulfill all the requirements indicated in the modal window. Specify the directory where your project will be located. Then specify the name of the project, this will also be its directory in the project folder. And it remains to execute all the commands (or their alternatives) that will create or update your project to work in the program. Installing the composer require bfg/wood dependency is mandatory as it is the one that will generate your code. Also, after that, you need to install the bfg/wood database using the php artisan wood:install command.

After that, your project will appear in the kanban list. You just have to double-click on it to go to editing project topics.